Today, right at this moment I stand in the power that pulses through my breath, my spirit, my life. In this present moment I open myself to channel the power song slipping through this portal of my be-ing. Power song surges through me as I open to the universe and the wisdom that desires to manifest in the now.
Though the song pours through me, it is not my song. Its source is THE source, and I open to allow it to flow through this present incarnation humbly and fully. The song is not just words, it is rhythm, melody, vibration that propels me into action. Action, in and of itself, is not power song. Much action is motivated by self-will, and as such may produce less than the highest quality vibration.
How can one tell the difference between self-will, and power song? Self-will tends to be motivated by self-serving outcomes we perceive occurring in the future. Power song arises from a centered source, and finds its purpose in the moment. The moment of creation. The moment of be-ing. Power song pulses with a loving pleasure in the moment, without expectation of the future. Power song is devoid of ego. A neutral energy desiring to manifest through our breath, power song simultaneously nourishes our soul, ignites passion, and grounds us more and more deeply into the present moment. Our bodies feel more alive; our minds spark; our spirits soar ever higher in a plane of infinite possibilities.
Grounding and soaring, passion and serenity, present infinity– these seemingly opposites stretch the fabric of our be-ing and refine the texture of our spirits into a fabric supple enough to flex in opposition, and durable enough to withstand inevitable turbulence. Breathing deeply with conscious intention, each sacred breath becomes a promise to honor the power song we hear in our deepest hearts–the song emanating from the source every single day, every single moment of our lives. Power song beats, pulses, drives and assures us of our purpose. Our power song is the answer to the question we continue to ask ourselves. Power song is chanting gently waiting for us to listen, and when we do, we will find the wisdom, the purpose, and the certain power of peace for which we have been longing.
It takes courage to listen, but the more we listen, the more courageous we become. The more we seek the song, the easier it is to hear, the easier it becomes to trust its wisdom and guidance. Over time power song becomes so integrated into our be-ing that our spirit resonates and pulses with the vibration of power song. Light and love pours through our actions to nourish all that we come in contact with, and, like a tuning fork, our power song assists others in finding their power song waiting to be heard.
Imagine a world where each person was living their power song. Imagine the harmonies. Imagine the peace. Image the magnificent creations that would unfold with each breath. Listen, beloved, listen to the song that is swelling beneath the surface, offering your heart's desire. Be courageous, beloved, dive deep so you may soar.
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